Saturday, April 28, 2012

This is how we roll....LEARNING

 Although it's taken me a while, I'm coming to the conclusion that learning this way....out in the world, applying our book knowledge to real life and having fun is by far the best learning experience I can give my kids.  Every Friday is known as "Fun Friday" which means field trips or some other exploration for the day.  These are a few of our adventures while here in the Texas hill country.

Picking fresh strawberries at the farm.  The difference in taste is undeniable.
Each child got a lady bug to release and watch it naturally go after the aphids on the leaves.

Feeding the overstuffed goats makes me want goats!

On the other days of the week, we sit outside and complete lessons in math, social studies, bible, reading, writing and drawing.  This is our full table in the park.  We have many other campers curiously stopping in to see what we are doing.  The kids are learning to converse with all sorts of people.

Elise can not wait to learn to read.  
 One of our best learning days was joining Mimi at the Pregnancy Center and volunteering for the afternoon.  She presented a whole lesson on fetal development, biblical proof of life from day one in the womb, and what support the pregnancy center offers women.  Here, they saw actual ultrasound photos from different stages of development.
Mimi teaches from scripture verses about God's view of babies.
The kids receive this 12 week model of a fully developed fetus.  Makes that baby feel very real and very much a living being.
Volunteering by filling up the baby bottles for future fund raisers

Tanner had to take the 3rd grade math, language arts and reading tests this year.  We found a proctor at a local library who graciously let him test under her watch for three days.  Love those small town librarians!

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