Sunday, April 1, 2012

Elise's 4th bday and that's no April Fools

We had a gorgeous 80 degree day in Moab and the kids all got one last swim in the pool.  They met a sweet friend the night before named Bridger.  I always love to watch the boys make new friends on the trip.  Tanner, in particular, struggles to initiate  conversations with new kids and will remain silent and searching if the other child makes no move.  I seem to end up initiating the conversation and in this case, Bridger was an awesome 9 year old who loved having two boys to play with.  Wish I got a photo of him.  As we were leaving, Tanner wondered outloud how many new friends they might meet along the way.  I think our goal will be for he and Alex to seek out friends in every place we stay.  Elise, for some reason, has no issues finding friends.  Girl thing?  Talking is easy...

We headed out of the park and into 40 mph headwinds towards Colorado.  Traveling 25 mph in the RV up the steep climbs was a bit unnerving, but I'm now convinced that my capable, amazing husband can do just about anything.  We landed in colder Colorado mountains safe and sound enjoying the views. 

 Bay field, Colorado....this is the view outside our door.  Creek, beaver dams, alpaca and swings.  We are in heaven!
The lone alpaca on the property.  None of us could remember if you could pet an alpaca without getting a finger taken off.  Matt wanted me to be the first to try.  Poor alpaca remains unpet. 
Found a great swing

Enjoying down time with the boys

Happy birthday, our sweet girl.
As tradition in our family, Elise spent the day dictating what we ate, drank and played all day.  She loved celebrating her life all day long.

1 comment:

  1. Did Leesy dictate a Ding Dongs diet all day? I'd have enjoyed that with her. Fun fun fun!
