Sunday, April 1, 2012

On the Road Again

Once again, we are on the road. Let me give you a little insight into how our trips get planned. Texas is a no brainer because we adore our extended family down there and choose to make a trip yearly to spend time with them. Last year, we spent our month at a rental house on the Texas coast, which was fantastic, but this year with the RV, we've decided to take 10 leisurely days to see the world in between Idaho and Kingsland, TX where we will camp on the lake in the RV for a month. That's a big challenge in itself, but then we got to thinking.....we might not have this RV long.....and we are all the way down there, nearly half the states away from Florida. Neither of us have seen or traveled the southern states, so let's take some more time to see the coastal beaches. And, while we are sooooo close, we can't possibly deny our kids a chance to see Disney World, right? Do you know how much a Disney World trip costs from Idaho? A lot..... you see my justication. This is what my husband hears all the time. And, you also see who usually ends up winning....

A week of cleaning, packing, organizing, repacking and help from our "besties" family friends got us on the road on March 27. We left a rainy day in Boise, ready for the adventures ahead of us.

 What an awesome crew of kids.  We're gonna miss these guys!

Wow.  Here we go!

Our second stop after Provo, UT.  We are enjoying 80 degree weather in Moab, UT.  The boys completed their first Jr. Ranger program and earned a badge.  We discovered that each National Park has a Jr. Ranger program where the kids complete a number of activities, writing assignments, research to earn a badge.  They learn about the history, geology, environment and lots of other things along the way.  Love this kind of school.  We have several parks on the trip planned, so many more badges to be earned!

Spectacular views of the red rocks

Yes, Elise loves to be posed! Just beyond this photo was a one mile running trail that I spontaneously took. It might be ranked up there with one of my most enjoyable treks yet. 

Celebrating our 16th anniversary.  This is a dream for both of us. 
 Alex, holding up the famous Balanced Rock.  It's an awesome sight.  Our little Alex has been a trouper as he is fighting some kind of virus.  Love this little guy and his perseverance.  I learn much from his sweet attitude.

Almost done with our 3 mile hike up to Delicate Arch.  I'm holding onto Elise's hand tightly at this point as you can see the drop off cliff on the side.  But, just right around the corner is......
One of the most glorious sights. Delicate Arch....absolutely stunning natural beauty.

The boys celebrate making it up.  Just beyond them is a drop off.   The few arches in the park are very fragile and no one knows how long they will hold out.  The red rock is salt based and has been known to collapse on other arches in the middle.  We are so happy to have witnessed it this trip.

The view at the top was breathtaking.  The small crowd gathered quietly taking in the view. The arch is considered one of the wonders of the world.  The hike was long, beautiful and treacherous.  As we turned the corner to view the arch, it was as if we got a glimpse of a bit of heaven.  What an extraordinary creation God has given us.  I honestly had this moment where I sensed that we might feel this same peace, joy and anticipation as we wait to be in God's presence. 

1 comment:

  1. Haydin wanted to tell Alex, "Those pictures are really cool." We're all wishing we were right there with the big happy family. You, too? Maybe not.
