Sunday, November 20, 2011

Work Hard, Play Hard

I don't have a lot of photos of the kids during school because I never seem to think to take them.  I grabbed the camera last week to get a "school shot" to prove we really do love our learning time.
Elise loves to watch the videos when we have an assignment.  We use a website called "", which has all sorts of different subjects that are a nice supplement to any concept.  I'm overwhelmed with incredible online sites that can be used as supplements. 

After school, our afternoons are free to PLAY!  On our trips we find local parks nearby, libraries or other outings.  One of the best benefits to schooling at home is that I know exactly what the kids are learning and those concepts can be practiced all day long.  Alex is working on counting coins and making change.  He's responsible for figuring out how much our slushies are at Sonic and what change I will get back.  Tanner is working on understanding division concepts.  He's in charge of seperating out food at dinner. 

Writing is probably the least favorite subject for both boys to sit and do at a table. So, I've learned that journaling is effective during car trips.  The boys write about a field trip, or make up stories and draw pictures as we travel between places.  It's helped to make writing more interesting to both of them and I have a collection of journaling pieces from their young perspectives.  It's some of my favorite reading material. 

Elise posing in a bathroom stall (yes, in the bathroom) at Tortilla Flats one and only restaruant. 

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