Saturday, December 3, 2011

Living Inside the Box???

One thing I've learned throughout the past few years is that plans change.  As much as I like to know what is next, I'm learning that sometimes the best things are unknown.  I've had to open up my mind to change.  Well, a little seed was planted a while back, and after lots of research, we decided to try another mode of transportation for our trips.  At 38, with three young kids, we are living inside the box, literally.  An RV life.
What a great way to get school done!
Alex and Elise relax with a game on the back bed
Tanner gets his math done at the computer desk pull
Dad drives it like a pro enjoying the views
So, I don't mean that we are full time RVing......yet.  The idea of taking our kids on a year long trip around the USA, visiting all the historical sites, national parks, greatest amusement parks and following the sun as we go sounds really fantastic to Matt and I.  However, we both recognize that on our month long trips, our kids really miss friendships at home.  That is the one thing that we can't provide for them on the road.  They have fantastic childhood friends whom they adore in Boise and see regularly (especially the ones in our homeschool group).  Taking them away from those friends for a whole year seems almost cruel.  We all love the family time we get, but it is about balance too.  So, for now, we just plan to travel in style down to our month long trip in Texas and test out living in an RV for that month.  Who knows, we may find that we love it so much, we figure out how to keep it, or I may be putting a "for sale" sign up on the way back to Idaho.  Either way, we picked up this gem for a crazy price and are willing to bet we may even come out in the black when we sell.